Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm embarrassed.

Oh's been nearly 4 years since I have blogged. I'm embarrassed and ashamed. I'm thinking about bringing the blog back. AND the title still fits - since I'm still in the great white north - although I could add the great, WINDY, white north now that I'm in the windy city. Stay never know when I might give you some great insights into my life and your world. ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


First of all…I do apologize for my lack of blogging. I will try to be more faithful – for all you loyal readers out there.

Last Friday our church had a “Wild Game Dinner” for those who love the great outdoors. Apparently we have a group who enjoy fishing, camping, hiking, etc… Who knew that 300 people would attend this dinner? It’s a hot group folks. I’m thinking of joining, but I have to say I’ve never seen so many pick-up trucks and Dodge Rams pulling trailers in the parking lot.

A matter of business – it’s official that I will be visiting in the very near future. My mom is ready to book the flight, but I have to choose a weekend. I am now taking submissions as to what weekend I will come, and your input will play a part in my decision. Of course, I want you all there so I can see you , so please coordinate your schedules.

Finally, the most important subject on my heart lately…the law pertaining to no alcohol purchases on Sundays. All I wanted was a "Fridays" mudslide to remember the good Nashville days - thank you, Ashley C. I go to Meijer, search all over the store, prepare to pay the ridiculous price and the teenager at the checkout tells me "This is alcohol." I said, "Yeah, I know!" He said, "We can't sell alcohol on Sundays." I don't think I have to tell you how angry I was. I am now researching laws and starting a petition. Please sign it if you want to get this dumb law changed. You don't ever hear, "Sorry, but you can't buy toilet paper today" or "Sorry, there's no selling milk on Mondays". It's stupid. We all know let's change it. OK?!

1. Lynn Jasperson










Monday, January 28, 2008


My poor car--Saturn, 1997--now has 201,000 miles. She has treated me well, but bit by bit she is falling apart. I was out running around yesterday and decided I would get gas. I had a little less than 1/4 of a tank, but knew I wouldn't have time to do it later in the week. So I get out, open up the gas tank and it won't budge. I twist and twist and finally the stupid thing breaks off. The entire plastic part, but NOT the metal part. I tried everything to get it off and realize I am looking like an idiot. So I call my friend Jen's husband. He says bring it over and let me look at it. He tries pliers, a screwdriver, and some other tools. NOTHING works. I'm pissed now and realize that each mile I drive I have less and less gas.

SO this morning, I call the Saturn dealership and make an appointment. I have to take an early lunch and sit there for over an hour while they replace the gas cap. In the end, it is $75.00. I said, "WHAT?!...that is a bit high for a gas cap, isn't it?" I was inconvenienced, late for work, and now I have $75 less in my bank account.

On the way back to work my dad calls complaining about the credit collectors that keep calling us. Yes, I'm behind on my loans-what else is new, right?

FINALLY, I grab McDonald's on the way back to work and ask for lots of ketchup. Apparently, lots = 3 packets.


Sunday, January 20, 2008


Think about a time when you were cold....think about the coldest you've ever been in your life. I guarantee you you've never been as cold as I was today.

I'm talking about the wind stinging your face; your hands BURNING (isn't it ironic?) and shaking so hard that you can't even scrape your windshield off; where your feet are completely numb; and when your whole insides involuntarily shiver and your muscles start to spasm. Welcome to the Great White North.

It was only down to 5 degrees, with a wind chill of -15. I used to be able to handle these temperatures. It seems my time in TN has turned me warm-blooded. I'm still loving the snow, but it only needs to be 32 degrees for flakes, right? So why then is it so damn cold?!

By the way, I was listening to the Wreckers CD today and I'd just like to say "I can guarantee, things are sweeter in Tennessee."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Let's Talk Politics!

Don't's not your typical politic talk. Many of you may know that I'm not a huge fan of voting. I do it every four years for the President and that is plenty for me. Well, you may also remember that I helped Senator Ed Bryant last year on his campaign. At the time, I also worked for CeCe-Ms. Politics herself-so I was pressured to vote that time around. I did it---not that I liked taking off work or standing in a ridiculously long line to guess on which circle I should punch. I must admit however, I did feel proud....that MAYBE I had done something to help our little county of Davidson.

NOW, today I receive a letter in the mail. I skim through once and think, "Oh No...I did something wrong in my voting"....I read it a second time, and have no clue what they are saying. I finally really read it a third time (I told you I don't understand politics) seems that someone may have stolen my identity. The building where the voter registration cards are kept was broken into. You're kidding, right? No, someone really may have all my info including my S.S. #.

The moral of this story: Don't vote. It's not worth it.

By the way, before I get multiple reply's...yes, I do plan on voting for the President....and that is ALL! :)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's finally here!

Hello dear friends...your long wait is over. I really don't know how you made it this long without an update from me. I am going to try my hardest to post something a few times a week. For now---Merry Christmas to you all. I love and miss you!